
New Patients (336) 290-7401

Current Patients (336) 226-0855

3450 Forestdale Drive Burlington, NC 27215

Are Dental Implants Really Right for Me?

There are a lot of options these days to replace missing teeth. Some patients can become overwhelmed by their options and may gravitate towards a traditional replacement such as dentures, partials, or a dental bridge. For many patients, however, Fuller Dental recommends dental implants wherever possible. Dental implants are considered by many to be the most effective and esthetic tooth replacement option available.

dental implants burlington nc

Stable and Comfortable

Dentures are held in place by a special adhesive. Partials and dental bridges are secured by wires or dental crowns. While all of these are effective to varying extents, they don’t hold a candle to the root of a healthy natural tooth. This is what makes dental implants different. Dental implants are based around a deep metal post that replicates the root. This makes them the most stable and comfortable option in tooth replacement.

Beautiful Results

Traditional dentures with plastic gums can have a tendency to look artificial. Partials and dental bridges can have visible metal wires or brackets. Because the post securing your dental implant is rooted deep into the gum and jawbone, it is invisible from the outside. Coupled with the color-matched porcelain that replicates your natural teeth, dental implants guarantee beautiful, natural results.

Am I a Candidate?

If you are interested in dental implants, one of our dentists will perform an exam to determine if you are an eligible candidate. The key qualifiers are good overall health and sufficient jaw bone. The implant needs the bone to secure into. Bone loss is a common problem associated with missing teeth, so this may be a particular concern for patients who lost teeth a long time ago. Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, or even a whole mouth full, so whatever your restorative dentistry needs, dental implants can help.

Schedule a Consultation

The first step in any dental implant process is to determine your suitability. Schedule an appointment for your initial exam. We will also be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about dental implants. To schedule, contact Fuller Dental in Burlington, NC on our website or at (336) 290-7401.