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3450 Forestdale Drive Burlington, NC 27215

The Importance of Biannual Dental Cleanings

Dentist in Burlington NCAt Fuller Dental, we provide a wide range of dental services including preventative services like dental cleanings, exams, periodontal screenings, and x-rays. These services are essential for the lifelong maintenance of your best dental health. Patients should see their Burlington, NC dentist once every six months for routine preventative care. Learn why you should NOT skip your biannual dental cleanings below:

Plaque & Tartar Buildup

Plaque and tartar buildup are caused by food residue that has been left on your teeth long enough to harden. Once the food residue hardens, it becomes more difficult to remove by simply brushing or flossing. A professional dental hygienist is needed to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your smile. During your biannual dental cleanings, one of our expert dental hygienist will remove any buildup threatening your smile, stopping dental concerns like gum disease and dental decay from progressing. In the long run, your routine dental cleanings can potentially save you time and money. By keeping plaque and tartar buildup under control, you are reducing your risk of experiencing severe dental concerns that may require costly restorative care.

Dental Concerns Get Worse Over Time

Many dental concerns do not begin to cause noticeable symptoms until they’ve progressed to their advanced stage. This is why it is so important to attend your biannual dental cleanings. After your teeth have been cleaned, your biannual appointment will also include a dental exam and consultation with one of our experienced doctors. They will thoroughly evaluate your smile looking for underlying issues that may need to be addressed. Because dental concerns typically only get worse the longer they are left untreated, it’s best to address concerns with your dentist right away. However, if you skip these preventative appointments, there is a risk that you could have an underlying dental concern without even knowing it. The earlier we catch a dental concern, the more likely we will be able to offer you conservative treatment options.

Use It Or Lose It

Most people utilize their dental insurance benefits to afford their biannual dental cleanings. With dental insurance benefits, it’s important to know that they expire at the end of each year and cannot be used during the following year. It’s important to schedule your last dental cleaning of the year before the holidays arrive. Otherwise, you are at risk of losing your dental insurance benefits that you’ve worked hard for. Fuller Dental is an in network provider with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Delta Dental Premier, and Cigna PPO. We will file your insurance claims and provide follow up information to any rejected claims to maximize your dental insurance benefits. If it has been over six months since you sat in the dental chair, schedule your final dental cleaning of the year with Fuller Dental. We look forward to seeing you soon.