New Patients (336) 290-7401

Current Patients (336) 226-0855

3450 Forestdale Drive Burlington, NC 27215

Do I Need a Root Canal or Extraction?

Patients with cavities may wonder if they can preserve their tooth with root canal treatment or need a dental extraction. Both treatments can help remove a dental infection, though patients do not want to lose their permanent teeth. Our dental team can help patients determine if they need to remove the infection from within the tooth or require tooth removal. We also ensure that patients feel as comfortable as possible when receiving treatment. Learn more about how our office can treat cavities in Burlington, NC.

treat cavities in Burlington, NC

Treating Cavities in Burlington, NC

There are two main ways to address cavities: root canals and fillings, or dental extractions. We help our patients determine if they need to remove a dental infection inside the tooth or if their teeth need to be removed.

Root Canal

We recommend root canals for patients who have cavities and dental infections that reach the inside of the tooth. Dental pulp lies within the tooth chamber. The pulp is made up of the cells, blood vessels, and nerves that keep teeth alive. Once a dental infection reaches the pulp, it can easily spread to other teeth.

We remove the infected dental pulp from inside the tooth during root canal treatment. Then, we clean and disinfect the tooth and seal it with a dental filling. Some patients may require a dental crown after root canal treatment if they have severe tooth damage or wear. Root canals and dental fillings preserve the tooth’s structure so patients do not have to lose their permanent teeth.

Dental Extraction

If patients have severe tooth decay, we may need to extract their teeth. We will thoroughly examine patient smiles and take digital x-rays to decide on their treatment. Patients need a dental extraction if they have a severe tooth abscess and wear caused by decay. Removing the tooth can help prevent the spread of decay.

We will recommend restorative care after patients heal from their extraction. Our team can provide a dental implant for single extracted teeth or implant-secured dental bridges and dentures. Dental implants are known as the gold standard for dental restorations. Implants replace teeth at the jaw bone. Once implants heal, they look and function just like natural teeth. Replacing lost teeth with dental implants and implant-secured restorations helps restore the aesthetics and health of the smile.

Do you have tooth pain, sensitivity, and cavities? Are you unsure about which treatment you need to treat your cavities? Call Fuller Dental for treatment today at (336) 290-7401 or request a dental appointment on our website. We are here to help our patients find the best dental solutions to their oral health issues.