Got a Case of Bad Breath?
Here are 4 Tips to Sweeten Your Breath:
- Practice good dental habits by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing regularly. Aim to brush for 2-3 minutes. Most people brush too quickly.
- Brush your tongue. Your tongue can be a hotbed for stinky bacteria. The back of the tongue is the most important part to clean because that’s where most of the bacteria is.
- Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash. Bad breath is easily caused by a dry mouth. Stimulate your saliva flow to wash the bacteria out.
- Don’t have a toothbrush with you? Decrease the amount of bacteria in your mouth by chewing gum, preferably cinnamon gum. The oils in cinnamon gum effectively kill the germs in your mouth.
This is a friendly reminder from Fuller Dental to keep your teeth and oral health in check! Persistent bad breath may also be a sign of poor health and diseases like periodontal disease. A checkup with a dentist two times a year can help prevent chronic bad breath and keep your smile fresh.