Gum disease is a progressive oral health concern that can affect your overall health. Gum disease is an infection of the gums that can lead to shifting teeth, bleeding gums, halitosis, and even tooth loss. Research has suggested that gum disease is linked to advanced dental issues such as stroke, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Gum disease should be treated as soon as possible to minimize damage to the teeth, gums, and body.
At Fuller Dental in Burlington, NC, we offer an extensive periodontal screening during every preventive care visit. We thoroughly examine the teeth, mouth, and gums to check for any signs and symptoms of gum disease. We encourage our patients to visit our Burlington dental office twice a year for routine screenings and dental cleanings.
Treating Gum Disease
Gum disease often goes undiagnosed until the most advanced stages of gum disease. Patients don’t realize they are suffering from gum disease or they haven’t visited the dentist recently, so they are unaware that they have developed gum disease. Patients should visit the dentist regularly and educate themselves on the signs and symptoms of complex dental issues.
Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease:
- bleeding gums
- shifting teeth
- bad breath (halitosis)
- formation of deep pockets
- receding gum line
- tooth loss
- red, swollen, or tender gums
- irritated gums
If you notice any of these signs of gum disease, please schedule an appointment at Fuller Dental in Burlington, NC. Our dental care team will create personalized solutions to treat patients with gum disease. The type of treatment will depend on the severity and stage of gum disease. One of our Fuller Dental dentists will perform a full comprehensive exam to determine which periodontal therapy solution is right for your teeth and gums. We may recommend scaling and root planing, antibacterial rinses, or restorative dentistry to address patients with gum disease. If patients experience missing teeth, Fuller Dental officers a full range of tooth replacement options.
Fuller Dental is comprised of a team of highly experienced and skilled dentists, hygienists, and staff. Our goal is to provide patients with exceptional dental care from the moment they walk through our doors. To learn more about your treatment options, visit Fuller Dental. Patients can call
336-226-0855 to schedule an appointment or schedule an appointment online.